Thirty tourism startups to be accelerated by the European program CulturalDeTour

The CulturalDeTour Program Accelerator will assist a total of 30 small or early-stage cultural tourism businesses from Spain, Slovenia, and Greece. For 6 months, from January to June 2024, the program, will provide participants with the skills needed to thrive in the sustainable cultural tourism industry. A total of thirty emerging or small-sized cultural tourism […]

Finnova Foundation talks about sustainable development, water management, tourism and European funds at the Sun & Blue Congress on innovation in blue tourism

The congress, held in Almeria from 15 to 17 November, is a pioneering space on the blue economy applied to tourism at European level. Finnova presented the European projects FU-TOURISM, LIFE COSTADAPTA, CulturalDeTour and LIFE ECODigestion 2.0, in which it is a partner. 17/11/2023, Brussels. Today, Friday 17 November, Juanma Revuelta, CEO of the Finnova […]

Discussion on Cultural Diplomacy at the European Parliament

October 26, 2023, Brussels. Under the theme “The current challenges and needs of European cultural cooperation and cultural diplomacy: where do we go from here?” on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, an exchange of ideas was held at the SPINELLI 5G305 Room of the European Parliament in Brussels. This event was organized by MEP Ibán García […]

CulturalDeTour seeks 30 startups to develop cultural tourism in Greece, Slovenia and Spain

The program will help selected startups get off the ground, expand their business, explore new models, and improve sustainability practices starting in January 2024. The deadline for submission is October 31, 2023, through this link: Are you an entrepreneur in the cultural tourism sector? This is your chance to shine! The CulturalDeTour Acceleration Program […]

Webinar: Public Private Partnerships for Green City Solutions

📢Mañana martes 20 de julio no te puedes perder el webinar sobre asociaciones público-privadas para soluciones de ciudades verdes🌿🏙 (#GreenCities) organizado por World Forum of Democracy en colaboración con el Consejo de Europa en el que participará la Fundación Finnova de la mano de su CEO, Juanma Revuelta. ✅Durante el evento se explorarán los diferentes […]

Webinar European Week for Waste Reduction 2020

El martes 24 de noviembre de 2020, se celebró el Webinario NAPOCTEP: economía circular, sostenibilidad y valorización de residuos en el sector HORECA. Se trató de un seminario web propuesto con el objetivo de abordar y compartir los retos relacionados con el desarrollo de una ruta turística respetuosa con el patrimonio tanto natural como cultural, […]